the Color Library

The Color Library contains more than 600 predefined color sets that are explicitly matched to be combined with each other by our designers. Just choose the set that best matches your presentation style or company colors. Of course you modify the color themes and save them as your favorite, or even upload your private personal set of matching slide colors. You can change the color of a single slide with just one click or for all your slides at the same time. All the theme colors are collocated by our professional design team, in line with the latest styles and trends. Your PowerPoint presentation is stunning and excellent in seconds! Just grab one of your own presentations and try it out. We cannot make it easier than this.


About the color sets

The iSlide Color Library contains a lot of predefined color matching designs, based on 6 different colors. Sure you can build and fill in colors, backgrounds, icons and vectors by your own, but using this library will save you a lot of time and we guarantee that all the colors visually match each other.

A perfectly combined set of colors will attract your audience to the screen more easily, keeping their attention.



   Select an iSlide color theme from the library for every presentation.

 With more than 600 predefined color sets, everyone can change all PowerPoint slides in just one click.




Choose your color style!

Choose your color style right from the start. You can always change it later in one click!

Let it be matching with your company style. Or even better when you present to a lot of companies, with the same presentation, change the color to the style of the company that you are visiting! It takes you less than a minute to do.

Your audience will be impressed and honored, as you took so much effort in customizing all those slides for them.



Changing colors in all slides!

Changing all the colors in your current slides is really easy with the free iSlide PowerPoint add-in. Just open your presentation and open the color library.

Select a preset color theme and just click "Apply to all slides". It will change all the slides at once. Is it not to your liking? Just choose another color set.

You can also change just a single page of course, just try some of the options. Click on the star in the upper right corner to make a color theme your favorite for a faster lookup later. Enjoy the Color Library!


  Change all the colors in your slides to an appropriate set in just 1 click!


The iSlide Color Library will make your PowerPoint life a lot easier, transforming existing slides in minutes and saving you a lot of time!

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