Tutorials page

Welcome on the general tutorials page of iSlide PowerPoint add-in. At the moment we have 6 separate explaing article in this menu.
You can access them from the main menu, but we also list them here, with a short description.

Current iSlide Tutorials:


  1. Replacing Icons

    A clear and simple instruction on how to replace an existing icon in a slide, towards the one that you want.

  2. Fill with Picture

    An object in a presentation is often very boring. On this page we explain how you can fill an oblect with a picture of your choise.

  3. Replacing a Vector

    Changing a vector or part of a vector is not too difficult, but you do have to know how. We show you that here.

  4. Editing a Smart Chart

    Editing a smart chart is real easy once you know how to do it. It will become one of the things that you do the most as it gives spectacular results in a minimum of time.Practice is three times, and you never want to use anything else.

  5. The Matrix Layout

    A video showing how to use the basics of the Matrix Layout, followed by some great examples.

  6. The Circular Layout

    A video explaining how to use the Circular Layout feature, followed by some example ideas's, ready within a minute.


We are constantly busy making the add-in better and better. Are you missing a tutorial? Please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
and we will create a new tutorial for it!

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