The Theme & Template Library

The Theme Library provides you with a lot of default themes (templates) for your presentations. Just choose one you like, or fits the topic that you want to present and a jump start to your presentation with a great set of PowerPoint slides. Very useful!


Apply a template with one click and just 3 steps!


The iSlide Theme Library contains themed fonts, colors, guides and layouts, all perfectly matching, directly from our professional designers.

Just wave goodbye to your helplessness and start an amazing new PowerPoint design in just 3 steps!

  iSlide Theme Library picture Report

 iSlide insert a theme and change the color and style in just 3 clicks



Just 3 steps.. select
theme, color and diagram!


Stop applying templates mechanically!
Going through your slides again and again.

You can choose from 305K+ PowerPoint resources to quickly create your own special PowerPoint presentation!


Various choices,
real time slide updates!


Don't like the look of your presentation when you're done? Change the color of all your slides at once! It covers all the mainstream PowerPoint themes, including the Business Plans, Reports, training and Resume design. That includes your current company style!

The iSlide professional design team guarantees the correct working and template updates at all times!


  iSlide Theme Library changing template colors example

Create your PowerPoint presentations smarter, faster and more intelligent than ever before! Try iSlide now!

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