Create a perfect Presentation in 15 minutes!



The iSlide add-in is the perfect solution to create an amazing PowerPoint Presentation in just 15 minutes. It doesn't require any special skills, everybody can create an amazing presentation with this add-in. It contains many rich features, and is designed to boost your presentation productivity. iSlide has 305K+ built-in PowerPoint templates, diagrams, pictures, icons and other resources. 145K of these resources are free to use, the others need the Premium subscription. Provided with super-handy design tools, it will surely save you lots of time and money in making presentations. With iSlide, you can create a professional presentation within 15 minutes in only a few steps:


First steps to get you started!


Start with downloading the correct installer for your computer. You can find them here! Install the package and start the PowerPoint application. The add-in will be loaded automatically. Find the iSlide tab between the "Home" and the "Insert" tab.

Signup for an account, verify it, or login if you already have an account. You can bind your account to one of the several social media platforms later, for easier login.


   iSlide Login screen in English

 iSlide example of the Theme Library in English



Go to the Theme Library


You can type a search word at the top or use the filter button and choose from the different categories, styles, free or for Premium.
You can select multiple checkboxes if you want. 

Please click the right format size of the template. You can choose between the 16:9 and the 4:3 size at the bottom of every theme in the black overlay.


Insert previously created slides into the template


Do you want a slide from a previously made presentation? Just copy it in! It will adjust to the style. See what happens if you click a Diagram with that Library. Like the student in the picture here.

The 6 paragraphs can be changed to 4 and are in perfect layout, with 1 click on the Diagram!

  Insert older or previously made slide into the current presentation

 Click and edit the Master Style if needed


Changing pictures!

Your presentation has a topic, and your audience does not want to look at boring slides. The presentation must support your story.

So change boring grey or black spaces with pictures that match your topic, in this case buildings.

All very easy with just a few clicks!


Changing the icons!


Same for all the icons. The Icon library contains thousands. This example is for multiple icons at the same time, but single icons in paragraphs or bullet graphs can also be changed, with just a mouse click.

Do not forget to "Group" and "Ungroup", but that is rather logical.

Every week, new searchable icons are added to this library.


  Replace icons or vectors with a simple click!

 Apply an appropriate color scheme to your slides



A few final steps!


You can use the color library to uniform the color in your entire presentation.
Or use the uniform Font, or Paragraph feature.

Also try the compress function sometimes. It checks all, or individual slides, on useless layouts and many other things.

One last check? You just created a stunning PPT presentation in under 15 minutes!

The add-in contains help functions and many PowerPoint tutorials to give you presentation inspirations. iSlide is a free software(all the features and basic resources are free to use). But it offers Premium subscription option for users who need to access Premium resources.


Just for you to know, iSlide has around 305K+ resources (145K+ FREE resources and 160K Premium resources). If you are not a heavy PowerPoint user, you can just download and use it for free. If you are a heavy user, you are suggested and recommended to purchase the monthly or yearly Premium subscription plan to enjoy all the high-quality resources. Don’t worry, the price is very reasonable, and you are able to earn the subscription value back by creating your next presentations in way less time.

Follow this tutorial to create an amazing cool presentation that continues to fascinate your audience! Try iSlide now! 

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